Our “brand”
As an online publication, global-e journal is fast, flexible, and free. We attract readers from more than 170 countries and contributors from around the world. With the aim of publishing weekly, we can respond to issues and events as they unfold.
Our short-form feature essays aim to reach a broad audience in the sprawling and multidimensional field of global studies. Ideally, global-e journal is a venue where writers from a range of backgrounds such as poets, policy makers, and engineers all feel comfortable reading and reflecting on issues in such diverse fields as climate change, global peace security, popular culture, migration, gender/sexuality studies, etc.
Diversity is paramount. We invite contributions from around the world and have assembled an editorial team that is comprised of specialists from many backgrounds and Perspectives.
We edit in house, allowing rapid turnaround time, which means that a high-quality submission on a timely topic can be published within a matter of days. On the other hand, most essays involve more give- and-take and sometimes our publishing queue grows longer than we would like, but generally authors are pleased to see their work published within 2-3 weeks.
We edit submissions lightly, aiming only to sharpen arguments and refine the prose. Rather than acting as a gatekeeper, global-e journal aspires to open fresh avenues to dialogue and Exchange.
We have discovered that global-e journal is a powerful pedagogical resource. Instructors around the world have told us that the length and style of global-e journal essays make them a perfect fit for classroom use, especially in schools where English is used as a second language. This has strengthened our commitment to accessible prose and the short-essay format. Our hope is that knowing how accessible this knowledge becomes will act as a motivator for writers to contribute.
Author + Series Submission Guidelines (PDF)
Author Information
Word Count
Global-e Journal publishes essays which must be in the 1200-1500 word range, not counting notes and references. Submissions that exceed the word limit will be returned for authors to implement cuts before the submission will enter the review process. We do not have the editorial resources to accommodate long submissions. If you are organizing a proposed series of articles (see separate guidelines), then, when corresponding with your series authors, please be sure to alert them to the word limit and enforce that limit. We place a premium on concise and accessible prose.
Citations/References/Footnotes Guide
global-e journal publishes short, accessible articles that provide global analysis, new conceptual or theoretical innovations, research-based studies, and sharp analyses of global topics and transformational action. Findings and references should be properly cited, but since these pieces are limited in length, we do not expect more than five to ten references per article. A handful of explanatory footnotes are also permitted. We follow the Chicago Manual of Style "In-Text" citation format for references. Examples can be found in the PDF link above, as well as series specific guidelines.
Essay Format/Layout
Our Managing Editor, Omar Mansour (global-e@21global.ucsb.edu), strives to make each essay as visually compelling as possible and is open to suggestions about graphics and layout. He will do his best to satisfy all requests, but sometimes an author’s preferences cannot be fully realized due to the technical parameters of the global-e journal platform.
We encourage authors to provide 3-4 photos or image suggestions to accompany your submission. Please submit in JPG, JPEG, PNG, JIFF, or GIF formats. Each file should be at least 350 KB and not exceed 3MB. Low resolution or otherwise poor-quality images cannot be accepted, so pay careful attention to size and resolution requirements. Photos and/or images must be public access or your own photos. Authors should indicate the provenance/ownership of images, especially if using a copyrighted image (personal photo, website, Reuters, Getty Images, etc).