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global-e Publications

‘Third World’ and ‘the Global South’ can be interpreted many ways and used to support different kinds of political, historical, and…

[S]ocio-economic differences cannot be defined simply by control over the means of production or by occupation. [...] In Africa, the…

The Eurasian ‘heartland’ could learn from recovering, revaluating, and reabsorbing its own intellectual and conceptual contribution to…

[W]e have exceeded the life supporting capacity of our planet by 1.75 times. Even those who do not read scientific papers realize that…

[C]omplimentary and multifaceted understandings of visual cultural products open a space for transformation [where] cultural literacy…

[A]fter three decades of incubation, a turning point is indicated by historical symptoms such as Brexit, Trump, and the exuberant…

The creation of remote authentication and identification mechanisms is aimed, according to the government's plan, at ensuring security…

Context matters, and when it is eliminated, assessments of behavioral reasonableness are bound to be distorted and extremely…

Activism today has to stand for something and its respect for diversity must be balanced with a determined search for unity…. The left…

Some forms of ethno-religious politics are global, some are virulently anti-global, and yet others are content with the attempt to…

The strategic moves we see today—political, military and economic—when taken together, seem to suggest that the goal and objective of…

The war story of Elias Vlessing, a Jewish inhabitant of Holland... recently attracted global attention. In 1944, Vlessing was “helped…
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