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global-e Publications

The intimate public focuses recruits’ personal narratives on identification with the suffering, endurance, and sacrifice of Muslim…

[T]he commons has served as a kind of overarching meta-narrative for diverse movements to challenge the marketization and…

Over the years, the group has successfully built a relatively robust propaganda infrastructure capable of disseminating content and…

Although IS had the impetus to release passports and the capacity to produce them, there may have been a deeper reason for not…

Proliferating instances of terrorism, growing inequality among social classes, rising tension between multi-generational citizens and…

There can be no democracy for Myanmar while 1.2 million disenfranchised Rohingya face annihilation. Only a united struggle by local,…

[T]he Arab uprisings not only overtook the streets of major cities and squares but also dominated the global mediascape. The media…

A hashtag or a textual meaning is not a tangible good that may be hijacked like a car. What gets hijacked by the ISIS group in these…

Looking at the experience of other nations, we recognize that self-government and the rule of law do not necessarily coincide….The…

Is any “place” always appropriate to host particular artworks? Or, aren’t all exhibitions at global art institutions inevitably…

Political education... is a task that requires bold actions, and not very popular ones, at the national as well as the international…

If we are ever to understand the phenomenon of violent extremism, we must develop a discourse that... take[s] into account the effects…
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