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global-e Publications

Against all possible political thinking and feeling and without knowing what’s relevant in Hong Kong history, Western leaders started…

It is a uniquely promising paradox that narrowly nationalist policies express a continuous lie that can help us see the truth. This…

Will the second decade of the new millennium become known in the history books of the future as the pinnacle of globalization? The…

Erdogan did not achieve unprecedented executive authority and control over the entire state apparatus single-handedly. ...[T]he rise…

A common ambition of scholars engaged in Global Studies programs is... the endeavor to curb the influence of long-established…

[R]esearch indicates, first, that students are more motivated to learn when engaged collaboratively in project-based learning, working…

Governance involves public struggle having many complex dimensions, so there is bound to be conflict between the authority of rulers…

The broad remit of global studies [is] to comprehend the global wherever and whenever it manifests—and thus embraces the potential of…

With the growing recognition of the emergent transnational links between people that enable them to collaborate across cultural and…

Europe’s perceived cultural wholesomeness—in contradistinction to the supposed materialism of both China and North America—was…

Culturally and politically, 21st century authoritarian movements add new layers to preexisting patterns of hierarchy, repression, and…

[H]owever friendly the atmosphere of the equation was, Western drives have remained consistent unless thwarted by Russian conduct. The…
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