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global-e Publications

Ambedkar and Du Bois in some ways imply [an] ambitious model, in which fully global institutions would play significant roles in the…

Tolerance involves a negative normative judgment and potential withdrawal into separate spheres of life. [...] The subscriber to the…

Whether or not China is involved in unifying the two big Nepalese communist parties, the alliance gives China a ray of hope. The two…

[G]overnments and the UN are over-zealous in the avoidance of genocide determination and instead use the euphemistic term ‘ethnic…

Over the past decade there was a rhetoric in Chile as in many other democracies worldwide that the center-oriented coalitions of the…

The normatively dependent concept of toleration itself does not tell us from what we should take our guidance.… I think, by contrast,…

British colonialism sowed the most important seeds for the current crisis. Britain ruled Burma as part of the Indian Raj, enabling and…

Hindu pluralism is basically a form of peaceful coexistence with other religions in a spirit of relative indifference, each expected…

[T]he October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was a turning point in history when more than 2000 years of philosophy, history, religion, and…

Destruction can be accomplished through a variety of means; for the Rohingya it has involved mass killings, the wholesale destruction…

Whereas in the case of Muslim women IS demonstrates a strong if by comparison seemingly trivial obsession with controlling individual…

Although Lenin’s immediate project was the seizure of power for the construction of the socialist order, his unity of theory and…
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