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global-e Publications

The rising global imaginary finds its articulation not only in the ideological claims of political leaders and business elites who…

No matter how it is defined – and we have some faculty who deny its existence – globalization must be considered one of the defining…

The myths of modernity and rebirth drape the image and reputation of Beirut as a place of desire where the fantasy of consumption,…

At this rhetoric’s core, a supposed new hyper-competitive reality (“globalization”) makes these cities easily discardable as places of…

Many students of global studies are interested in global human rights, especially economic rights, and they often oppose globalization…

I believe that the study of human rights should go well beyond the category of the law and should incorporate questions about how…

Both in the U.S. and abroad, there exists a political movement in support of education reforms based on the logic of the market that…

A groundswell discourse of ‘the end of neoliberalism’ is jamming the Left blogosphere. It has been building for some time.

Openness has emerged as an alternative mode of social production based on the growing and overlapping complexities of open source,…

Is Global Studies simply a more modern - some would say sexier - "branding" of the study of International Relations?  Or is it…

If studies of globalization are increasing in existing fields with their own research traditions is there any value in conceiving of…

A strong case could be made for Global Studies (GS) as a distinct field in regard to curriculum and degrees.
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