global-e — A Global Studies Electronic Journal: Précis


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global-e — A Global Studies Electronic Journal: Précis

| Volume 1 | Issue 1

Increasing connections and interdependencies among institutions and peoples around the world direct our attention to globalization as a central phenomenon of the contemporary era. From economy to culture to environment, the great issues of our time require close attention to the dynamic interactions among actors and stakeholders around the world. It is commonly observed that all societies are now part of a global system that is stitched together by far-reaching trade protocols, governance covenants, and communication networks. Although this process of integration engenders dramatic new opportunities for cooperation and development, it is also characterized by profound inequities and uncertainties that breed dramatic new tensions and conflicts. Globalization is furthermore distinguished by challenges to previous loyalties and affinities, as questions of belonging and citizenship assume new meanings in an era of accelerating flows of people, goods, and capital across national frontiers.

Published on a quarterly basis, global-e aims to provide a forum for commentary regarding global events, processes, and issues. Each edition will feature brief essays authored by leading scholars and practitioners, offering provocative reflections on a range of topics with the aim of stimulating discussion among the global studies community. As each new edition is posted on the web, email announcements will be delivered to individual subscribers and to listserves associated with professional and scholarly organizations interested in global studies. We aim both to encourage circulation of commentary essays and to stimulate discussion among readers. Accordingly, each essay will be open to reader response and deliberation.

global-e will focus initially on building relations among global studies programs. Commentaries will focus on public issues, theoretical debates, methodological challenges, and curricular concerns. Authored by scholars and practitioners, the global-e editorial staff will solicit essays of approximately 1000-1200 words, which is the standard length for opinion pieces in most newspapers, magazines, and journals. Our aim is to provoke discussion and to provide commentators the opportunity to circulate their ideas in a new format. The journal is managed by a consortium of global studies programs at the Universities of Illinois, North Carolina, Wisconsin-Madison, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

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This  is the first issue of global-e


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