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global-e Publications

The process of land privatization and individualization of tenure in Kenya’s Maasai rangelands was anticipated to confer significant…

Today this orthodox darling of connoisseurs… is fatally sick, with problems [that] have not only dislocated thousands of tea workers…

Those who had hoped that the facts generated from the trial proceedings at either the ICTY or domestic war crime chambers would…

We need a definition [of authoritarianism] that is substantive and dynamic rather than negative and systemic; that focuses on the…

Growing numbers of international tourists visit the San to encounter their culture and lifestyle, and such tourism is expected to…

"The crowd," observed the 19th century Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, "is untruth." Nowhere is this seminal observation more…

Perhaps right-wing populist rhetoric does get one thing right, and it is this: policy frameworks characterized by national sovereignty…

While music can neither eliminate racist extremism nor overturn increasingly stark racial and ethnic divisions [...] it remains…

considering that Hong Hong has been relatively starved of Marxist rhetoric and a socialist conscience, who can imagine, in this…

At its core, the racial and religious bias against the Muslim minority of Myanmar is a fundamentalist response to the material…

What is common to [local people] involved in the TCE project in the Amboseli region is a flexible attitude to tourism. They expected…

[P]rocedural democracy is not enough, and one hopes that Erdoğan will use his newly acquired powers over judicial and other…
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