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global-e Publications

While the human world has championed globalization since the last century, are we now witnessing a more detrimental side of…

As country after country succeeds in slowing the disease’s progression, the social and economic tradeoffs have been stark. The future…

As municipalities come to be seen with disfavor by financial gatekeepers, they incur greater costs and lose access to capital. As a…

The recent wave of civil unrest in Hong Kong that commenced in June 2019 needs to be analyzed in light of a host of national security…

Two issues are of paramount importance: for one, we have to address the equity challenge in education as we develop exit strategies…

In January 2019, Jair Bolsonaro was inaugurated as Brazil’s new head of state. Donald Trump and Hungarian President Viktor Orbán were…

Understanding the spread of the virus requires looking at those specific geographic circumstances of where people have to be.…

When ideas are transformed into technology and quickly diffused over the planet, they can have an impact on societies beyond the…

Few politicians will come out unscathed from this, but many populist politicians will be seen to be wanting in their most basic job…

A troubling absence in the literature on transnational collaboration "underscores a total disengagement by scholars with the rise of…

For 52 years, occupied Palestinians—who live under military government and courts, and under apartheid vis-à-vis Israeli settlers in…

We might be witnessing the formation of a multipolar world economy where integration processes in limited areas will occur alongside…
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