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global-e Publications

The debates on Artificial Intelligence as related to infection-tracing applications are representative of a transition in forms of…

The devolution of management rights over wildlife outside protected areas in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa has given rise to…

Chinese international students have faced a double stigmatization since the outbreak of COVID-19. [...] Policymakers need to think…

[T]he idea of value as an organic unit interests us because it could allow us to combine economic and cognitive choices on the one…

The obsession with national security begs the question, from whom we are defending the nation and whom does security serve? How has…

The COVID-19 crisis has also brought home the significance of the public services on which we all depend, most obviously the medical…

Preemptive securitization occurs when states proceed with enacting extraordinary measures even when the perceived threats appear to be…

COVID’s arrival in South America seemed to mark the definitive end to a booming era of cooperation with China. But, in an…

Notwithstanding differences between its local variants, neoliberalism is associated with austerity, which contributes to rising…

Without proper and effective government engagement, Big Pharma will leverage the pandemic to maintain the pretense that current…

As health issues of EU member states are subject to national regulations, countries established different policies of border control…

In order for neuroethics to transcend a hegemonic Western bioethics, a genuinely transnational approach must be undertaken. That…
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