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global-e Publications

We cannot emphasize enough the large format of the image of George Floyd’s death. It was a black man on the ground, and the murderer’s…

Scholarship underscores that place-based and experiential learning powerfully enhances undergraduate student learning. [...] Our…

Supporters of Teflon politicians do not focus on how tenable are their arguments, nor on how sound are their policies, or on how…

It took many years of disciplined organizing and outreach for the BLM movement to reach today’s level of effectiveness and impact. The…

For the moment it seems that the global pandemic and its restrictions will continue to be at the center of American right-wing…

The postgrowth perspective argues for abandoning the decade-long credo of growth in terms of a rising GDP, and instead focuses on…

Today we all experience the condition of “social distancing” and “self-isolation” imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. Yet, how does…

The experience of the Philippines shows that authoritarian regimes can undermine even decades of progress supported by strong women’s…

The year 2020 changed reality and changed outlooks. The deadly threat of the novel coronavirus caused heartrending losses for many,…

The corona pandemic is linked to ecological, economic, and political aspects of globalization which have generated a lot of very often…

While COVID-19 has monumentally changed the field of international education, it has also demonstrated very clearly, and in new ways,…

[B]oth the state and people of Taiwan are eager to demonstrate to the world that wearing masks is a successful strategy for containing…
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